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1) as much as is wanted; (to cause something) to become full (fill)

2) as much as or more than is needed or desired; a large number or quantity (plenty)

3) of, concerning, the person, thing etc mentioned, known or understood; of, concerning, the person or thing farther in space; as much as the extent etc mentioned or understood; (used to introduce clauses of result) and the result was (that)

4) as much as this extent, amount etc; of or concerning the person, thing, event etc mentioned, known etc now or for the future; of, concerning, the person or thing nearer in space; of, concerning, the present time; (used for emphasis in a story or account) a, an (this)

5) fastened, fixed, fitting or held closely; stretched fully; (especially in compounds) made so that something cannot get out or in; packed so as to occupy the smallest possible space or to get in as much as possible (tight)

6) three times as much as or as many(a boy's voice with, instrument that makes) the highest part in a piece of music (treble)


regardless of the fact that

even though


(used especially to form questions) at what time; on what occasion; during what period


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